"А хотя бы я и жадничаю - зато от чистого сердца!" (с)
Люблю AU и размышления на тему "а что было бы если"... В анлийском фэндоме по Толкину очень много таких рассказов, но почему-то их редко доводят до конца. Обидно... Вот, например, рассказ "Son of Flame, Daughter of Twilight" про то - если бы Берен погиб по дороге в Дориат, а его место занял Маэдрос... Так ведь мало что не закончили, так и вообще из Сети удалили! Зла не хватает... Хоть как-то это нужно исправить... читать дальше
Author: Lalwen
PG-13 - English - Romance/Action/Adventure
"Son of Flame, Daughter of Twilight"
What in Beleriand just happened? Maedhros found himself stumbling through a web of darkness. I wasn’t that close to Doriath, was I? He was disoriented, but still clear-headed enough to recognise the fact that he was ensnared in some enchantment. The inherent stubbornness of his family grasped hold of him and he forced his way deeper in, probing for some weakness in the apparently impenetrable mesh that surrounded him. His thoughts became fractured as he wondered about his brothers, whom he had been travelling to meet near Nargothrond before he had stumbled upon a group of Orcs who had set upon a wearied Mortal traveller.
A grimace crossed his face as he recalled looking into the desperate eyes of the Mortal before he had been forced to flee from the Orcs who were too many, even for a warrior as skilled as he.
The Mortal had been holding a ring, he recalled. Two snakes entwined, one holding a flower which the other devoured. The Elf gripped the ring tightly. If the Man had survived the attack of the Orcs, Maedhros would see it restored to him.
A sense of familiar power touched his mind; the power of the Blessed Realm, Maedhros thought vaguely; the power of a protected peace grotesquely entwined with poisonous shadows and enchantments.
“Ai!” The Elf cried aloud as he finally stumbled out of the blackness. He bent over as he attempted to regain some of his breath. After a few gulps of air, he straightened up and looked around.
“Too many trees,” he muttered. “Wood Elves abound, I daresay.” If this was indeed the realm of Thingol and Melian, as he suspected, he would have to proceed with caution. He gripped the hilt of his sword firmly; he was prepared to be civil but he was also well aware of Elwл Singollo's opinion of the sons of Fлanor. Maedhros defiantly swept his hood back from his head, his copper hair glinting in the sunset. Although he was one of the more diplomatic Noldorin princes, he would stoop before no Grey Elf. He set off with determination, the set of his jaw indicating the inflexibility of his character and the obstinacy of one born of the Dispossessed House of the Noldor.
For many nights, Maedhros wandered through the woods of Doriath, still weary from his harrowing passage into the Hidden Kingdom. He passed among the trees of Neldoreth and, though he was no Wood Elf, he could not fail to be deeply stirred by the beauty of his surroundings.
On one evening, as the moon was rising, he beheld a beautiful maiden, dancing in a glade. She wore a cloak of blue, and her hair was as black as the shades of midnight. In the dim half-light, he caught a glimpse of her grey eyes and the light therein made his heart leap. Such loveliness had he never seen before and he accounted her far above the works of his father’s hands. What inanimate object, though filled with an imperishable hallowed light, could compare with such eyes, from which the very light of an immortal life shone? Here was one not born to die; not born to be possessed, yet he would swear a hundred unbreakable Oaths just to have those eyes looks upon him.
Tindуmerel! he thought, ai! she is as a nightingale honouring the birth of twilight! He tried to call out to her, but he found himself struck dumb. To his dismay, she disappeared from view and he made to follow her but could not find her path. He was not a hunter like his youngest brothers but he doubted even Amrod and Amras could have found her trail.
For many nights, he drifted through the clearings and glades of Doriath, unable to speak while yearning to look upon this image of beauty once more. He glimpsed her in the distance, but she always disappeared ere he could approach her. It seemed that he walked without direction, yet with one purpose fixed in his mind.
Finally, as winter became spring, he came across her in the short hours before dawn. Upon a green hill, she danced and, with no warning, she began to sing. Something in her voice caused the winter-stricken lands of Doriath to burst to life; flowers grew and waters flowed, filling the early morning with their own song. Suddenly, Maedhros found that his own voice had returned to him and he cried out; his words sounding hoarse and raucous to his own ears.
His heart was weary and his steps were heavy but all his troubles seemed to vanish when she stopped and looked at him; her marvellous eyes fixed upon him and his entire spirit soared. He made his way towards her rapidly. “Tindуmerel,” he whispered as he drew closer. She made no effort to turn away.
“Vanimawend,” he murmured. Scarcely aware of his actions, Maedhros took her in his arms and, as he looked into her eyes, he became aware of a certain stirring within the depths of his heart. In that moment, he knew that any Oath he had sworn before was worthless for his entire heart was now lost to the beauty of the daughter of Thingol.
"А хотя бы я и жадничаю - зато от чистого сердца!" (с)
Майтимо Нельяфинве Руссандол, он же Маэдрос Высокий, князь Химринга, один из Великих Владык нольдор в Белерианде. Старший сын Феанора и Нерданель, лучший мечник среди эльфов, самый высокий среди них же, после Элу Тингола. После смерти отца унаследовал корону нольдор, которую впоследствии передал своему дяде Финголфину. Был пленником в Ангбанде (по разным источникам - от 35 до 70 лет), часть из которых провел на скале, подвешенный на цепи за правую руку. Освобожен из плена своим лучшим другом - Фингоном Отважным. Наручник, удерживающий Маэдроса, был зачарован, поэтому Фингону пришлось отрубить Маэдросу запястье.
"А хотя бы я и жадничаю - зато от чистого сердца!" (с)
Внимание! Автор выложенных рисунков - НЕ Я! Многие из рисунков были скачаны на сайтах, которые сейчас закрыты или адреса их я потеряла. Иначе с радостью бы давала ссылки. Но увы.... Семья № 1 - Первый Дом. Решила выложить картинки семьи Феанора - свои любимые и те, которые мне помогают в работе над переводами и рассказами. Без них в жизни бы не принялась за "Стилистику русского языка", вернее не осилила бы ее до конца... Наверное...
Автор- Дженни Долфен... "Семья Феанора". Без комментарев. Просто Маэдроса жалко. Как старшая сестра, я его очень понимаю...
"А хотя бы я и жадничаю - зато от чистого сердца!" (с)
Есть в этом мире какая-то сермяжная правда и место в сердце для эстель тоже нужно найти, как завещал Великий Финрод из ПТСР (с Профессорским, правда, имеющий сходство весьма отдаленное)... Думаешь, что "золотое время" для Толкин-фэндома уже прошло... и все же какие в нашей Сети можно найти самородки! (без иронии) Очень приятные миниатюры про семью Феанора можно найти здесь: http://diary.ru/~ziablick/
В каждом маленьком ребенке... Родительская утешительная то есть.
"А хотя бы я и жадничаю - зато от чистого сердца!" (с)
Приветствую всех и всех же поздравляю с Первым Апреля! Специально к этому веселому празднику - перевод шутливого рассказа "Дневник Гилдора, сына Финрода". Название: "Дневник Гилдора, сына Финрода". Автор: очень жаль, но утерян в бездне времени и Сети. Кто узнает – сообщите имя, пожалуйста. Перевод: mlmaos. Бета: Lavender Prime. Фэндом: "Сильмариллион". Жанр: юмор, пародия, AU . Рейтинг: PG за многочисленное упоминания о слеше, но без графических описаний. Пейринг: Почти все, о которых догадывается любой слешер, читая «Сильм». Краткое содержание:Записки о слеш-тайнах семьи Финве. Перевод опубликован на сайте Secret library http://secretlibrary.narod.ru/lotr/diary.html
"А хотя бы я и жадничаю - зато от чистого сердца!" (с)
La-Prime - мой бессменный редактор, наставница и просто подруга. Я ей очень благодарна за ее помощь и поддержку. Вот адрес ее ЖЖ -la-prime.livejournal.com/ А здесь можно почитать ее фанфик про Феанора и его семейство http://xoriokk.narod.ru/textik/kolokola.html. Осторожно - СЛЭШ!